I have been doing alot of reading & thinking lately, I want to be able to control my thoughts , to feel good and be the master of my own thoughts. I think I found the way thru Law of attractions. I find that the time when I am at home jobless has been healthy for me both mentally & physically. I have been working hard almost half of my life, my own ex-company really drained all my energy & forcus. It´s time to do myself a favour by taking time off to think about who I really am as a person & how I can make the most out of my life, to enjoy life. Life should´nt be a struggle, dont´you agree?
It said in LOA (Law of attractions) that our thoughts is a magnet, we attracts to what we thoughts, a human being has 60,000 thoughts a day and whether we like it or not, we attracts to what we think & feel about. That´s so true!
Like sometime ago, I heard a comment that "Jobless people are lazy", it hurts me. I think jobless people like me work more than working people, I cook, I clean, I plan, I shop, I plant, feeling lonely with no income, how fun is that? I don´t understand why some people can be so judgemental. This thoughts has effected me negatively and did´nt realized I became the victim of that comment. Now I understand,since I can´t change what others is thinking and the world but I can change my way of looking at things.
My world now surround with good feeling, good feeling is so much stronger that bad. I choose to feel good as it makes me strong and feeling balance.
I like the phrase; "Stop comparing yourself with others, compare yourself with you instead. Do not miss those or things you do not have but be grateful with what you have instead. Be your own best friend, be kind to yourself, make yourself feel good, make a date with yourself at the movie, you would only be disappointed with yourself if you did´nt turned up.